In this article we will discuss the benefits of using a food safety consultant in a variety of food businesses ranging from homebased startups to large global food manufacturers with a catalogue of commodities. Each business type has their own set of obstacles to overcome to be successful; we will discuss how each can leverage the benefits of a food safety consultant.
Startup businesses
Small business
Medium Business
No longer a startup or small business, a medium business typically has their own facility or facilities with a team of full-time employees manufacturing food products. With this business type, we generally interact with a full-time experienced food safety professional who often has an associate or assistant in the food safety or quality department. With day-to-day responsibilities consuming their time, they mostly use the services of an outsourced consultant for the following:
Large Business
Whatever your business type, Global Food Safety Consultants is committed to securing product safety, quality, and authenticity. To learn more about us and our services, click here to schedule a free 30-minute consultation.